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N-TEXX Bio Soil Enhancer is a liquid 15-5-5 bio-soil enhancer containing microbes formulated to enhance microbial activity in the soil, increase nutrient uptake of the plant, develop greater root mass, and improve water infiltration.


  • Enhances fertilizer program by increasing plant nutrient uptake

  • Reduces crusting of topsoil

  • Increases root mass growth

  • Increases seed germination emergence

  • Improves water infiltration

  • Improves soil environment for plant growth by building the aerobic zone of the soil

  • Stimulates soil microorganisms that provide essential nutrients for plants through their productive biological processes

  • Easily applied using various irrigation systems (spray, trickle, overhead, drip, surge, and L.E.P.A.)

  • Concentrated for freight savings

  • Affordable cost

  • Animals may graze immediately after application

  • May be soil and foliar applied

Guaranteed Analysis:
Nitrogen 15%, Available Phosphate 5%, Soluble Potash 5%, Boron .0215%, Copper .09%, lron .15%, Manganese .085%, Molybdenum .00065%, Zinc .075%. Derived from: Urea, Di-Ammonium, Phosphate, and Potassium Nitrate

Secondary Plant Food Source:
Copper EDTA, Iron EDTHA, Iron EDTA, Manganese EDTA, Zinc EDTA, Boric Acid, Sodium Molybdate

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